A few facts:
- The best and brightest among the 20 somethings are not interested in spending their careers husbanding old nuclear weapons designs. The siren call comes from the Internet, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.
- With the improved pensions at Livermore, with corrections for cost of living, Livermore employees are getting 29% less per year for life than their colleagues at Los Alamos are getting. This is a lifetime net loss of $45,000,000 per family!
- 105% of BenVal of comparables (companies that are defense contractors and mostly hire manufacturing techs) will not attract top quality Ph.D.s in computer science, physics, chemistry, or mathematics.
Just a thought.
Yeap, LLNL and LANL are going to get cut off at the knees in June of 2008 when the Ben-Val comes in lower then it has ever been seen before.
My expectation out of the 401k from LLNS is 0% contributions. It's nothing more than a savings account that I will put into the Fidelity 2010 plan and play it safe.
I heard today that they are not going to lower the 6% +5.5% in June of 2008. That is just to get people to go TCP-1. We'll see. I have no faith.
Remember that TCP-1 has risks that are not in TCP-2. The TCP-1 risks appear to be substantial.
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