Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cognitive Dissonance

Yesterday, current Livermore employees got their proposed pension adjusted upward. The rationale from a California congressman was that the pensions had to be adjusted upward so that Livermore could attract the "best and brightest."

A few facts:

  1. The best and brightest among the 20 somethings are not interested in spending their careers husbanding old nuclear weapons designs. The siren call comes from the Internet, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.
  2. With the improved pensions at Livermore, with corrections for cost of living, Livermore employees are getting 29% less per year for life than their colleagues at Los Alamos are getting. This is a lifetime net loss of $45,000,000 per family!
  3. 105% of BenVal of comparables (companies that are defense contractors and mostly hire manufacturing techs) will not attract top quality Ph.D.s in computer science, physics, chemistry, or mathematics.
The words and the actions do not seem to go together in a way that will be good with respect to the employees.

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Yeap, LLNL and LANL are going to get cut off at the knees in June of 2008 when the Ben-Val comes in lower then it has ever been seen before.

My expectation out of the 401k from LLNS is 0% contributions. It's nothing more than a savings account that I will put into the Fidelity 2010 plan and play it safe.

Anonymous said...

I heard today that they are not going to lower the 6% +5.5% in June of 2008. That is just to get people to go TCP-1. We'll see. I have no faith.

Eric said...

Remember that TCP-1 has risks that are not in TCP-2. The TCP-1 risks appear to be substantial.