Friday, July 20, 2007


There are a couple of calculators for TCP-1 and TCP-2 decisions.

I have these calculators. I have talked with authors of these calculators. As it says in the notes for these calculators, the calculators are toys and not designed to support hundred thousand dollar decisions.

A number of factors and risks have been left out of these calculators. Including the factors and risks, changes the answers for most people.

There are also calculators on line at Fidelity etc. These calculators are designed to increase the sale of Fidelity's mutual funds. The sale of these funds pays for the calculators. The average real cost to a person of using Fidelity's calculators is a few thousand dollars a year (in commissions from buying the funds),

Fidelity's calculators do not include the subtleties of LANL or LLNL. Fidelity's (and other calculators for financial companies) are aimed at the mass market. The mass market is different than the market in weapons towns.

I have battle tested calculators that are focused on TCP1 and TCP2 and that include all of the subtleties. These calculators are

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